5 Tips for Growing Your Business Past $250K in Revenue

Precious "Killpitchmaster" Williams, also known as the "pitch queen," shared some tips for growing your business past the $250K mark.
Precious has been featured on Forbes, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal. She has written pitches for some of the world's biggest companies, investors, speakers, and entrepreneurs. She was previously a disgruntled NYC attorney who knew she couldn't continue in that profession. So, she left to begin her 27-year career as an entrepreneur, international speaker, 4-time best-selling author, and 13-time National Pitch Champion.
Here are her 5 Tips for Growing Your Business Past $250K in Revenue:
- Stop listening to people who have never been where you're going. Focus on the people who understand your vision and are invested in your success. Precious encourages entrepreneurs to stop listening to naysayers and critics who haven't been in the trenches building a company themselves. If someone doesn't have big dreams, why should you listen to their opinion?
- Take trends and your talent seriously. Precious noticed pitching was becoming popular and took note. In 2010, after starting her first company, "Curvy Girlz Lingerie," she made a spur-of-the-moment decision to pitch to MSNBC producers. They loved it and invited her to be on the show "Elevator Pitch." She walked away with $500K in just 54 seconds, and the producers told her she had a unique pitching style. She listened to the people 'in the know', recognized her talent for pitching, and made it into a successful business.
- Find your niche. Zone in on your unique area of expertise. Precious realized early on that pitching was her niche and turned it into an art form. She advises entrepreneurs to find their own niche and focus on what specifically sets them apart in the marketplace. And, you've got to get REALLY specific to surpass the $250K mark with more ease and fun!
- Build credibility and network. Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs who can offer support and open doors to new opportunities. Collaborate with people with similar goals and know what it's like to be on your level—network with power partners. The Dames has been invaluable to Precious, and she encourages other women on her level to lean into this community of ridiculously smart and accomplished women.
- Focus on the numbers. For years, Precious was nervous to really examine the spreadsheets and data for her business. She realized it's essential to keep an eye on the money-generating aspects of your business. Dig into sales goals and spreadsheets, and focus on the activities bringing in the most revenue. Stay focused on your goals, and don't let distractions get in the way.
Precious's success is a testament to hard work, listening to the right voices, and surrounding yourself with a great supportive network.
If you want more information about the transformative networking, inspiration, and masterminding that comes from the $100K, $250K, $500K, and 7-Figure/Corporate Leader Circles, contact The Dames.