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Hear From Members of The Dames®

I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support I received from The Dames during my recent rebrand and business merger. Over the past eight months, amidst intense work, personal tragedy, and business upheavals, The Dames provided expert advice, invaluable brainstorming sessions, and a true sense of sisterhood that proved to be absolutely priceless.

The continuous hands-on support and brilliant tools offered by The Dames community helped me clarify my message and significantly improve my copywriting. The leadership of The Dames has created a space where the bar is set high, allowing for the formation of quality partnerships. Their personal interest in my project, along with their guidance and feedback, has been crucial to my success.

Even in the early stages of the merger, the expertise and challenging questions posed by fellow Dames members helped us develop a solid team and processes for long-term growth. Thanks to this amazing community, my rebrand and business merger are now complete, and we are already seeing significant engagement and interest.

The Dames have made this journey unforgettable, and I am deeply grateful for the support and inspiration they have provided.

Joining the Dames was the single best investment I made in my business- and myself- in years, and one that continues to pay off exponentially every single month. As a professional writer, so much of my work has been a 'one-woman-show.' I've never in my life been surrounded- or supported, or celebrated, or inspired- by as many passionate, driven, incredible women as I am now in this group, but more importantly, I never realized just how much of an impact that support could have. My revenue has nearly doubled and the caliber of clients I'm working with has skyrocketed as a direct result of the power partnerships- and genuine, real-life friendships- I've formed within the Dames. My only regret is not having found this amazing group sooner. It's the real deal. And a no-brainer.

I walked into 2020 with an 80% revenue loss due to the Pandemic. Through some pivotal power partnerships and Dames training, I ended up doubling my business by the end of the year. On a personal note, I also was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 (I am currently cancer-free!). The relationships I made not only provided me with the team that surrounded me and allowed me to take care of myself (I hired from within the Dames) but their notes, messages, and phone calls kept me afloat. Hands down, becoming a member of The Dames has made THE difference in my business and in my life.

I saw somewhere once that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. I also know if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. I love how often I experience that uncomfortable feeling at The Dames! The little imposter syndrome, or the "wow - she just said some next level-ish that I'll be processing all weekend." It's a sign that I'm in an environment that will challenge me to level up toward where I'm headed.

Thank you for bringing us all together! The Dames is THE place where I network, laugh, and grow with the best of the best around the globe; I can share and listen with my local sisters; I can get down and dirty with an intimate group of ladies who call me on my crap in my power partner mastermind group. I have also worked with several Dames who have provided e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t service to my company.

When I became a member of The Dames I was confident that I could weather it, even though my pre-COVID 2 year plan has sort of gone to hell. There is a prevalence of amateur information out there, convincing people that “hacks” are all it takes to be successful. The Dames don’t play that! Since joining, I’ve met folks who have said, “Ok, so you want to elevate your profile, then do THIS since right now we can’t do THAT” and it’s been HUGE!

As a long time member, I've benefited from unparalleled support and empowerment, a feeling of true connection to amazing businesswomen around the globe and endless 'a-ha' moments that have helped me grow my business. I have also gained tens of thousands of dollars each year in leads and closed sales from power partners who are Dames. But most importantly, I've had the opportunity to create friendships that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

I joined The Dames 90 days ago and am finding sessions to be transformative in getting connected - exactly what I needed. Having been a pastor for 20 years before coaching, I know the value of community and rarely have I felt such a clear, supportive space with real ROI. The Dames learning, connection, and intuitive leadership leaves me energized and ready to return to my work with intention and deeper insight. What you're doing is remarkable, you are truly making a difference.

These Dames Think Tanks are SO GOOD. The insights save YEARS of frustration and Millions of dollars!!Just finished the 7-Figure Circle and we talked about PR, E-Comm and marketing. The experience shares and advice were true 'zingers.' Meaning, they were to the point and zapped you into awesomeness. In such a loving and supportive, safe container from other women at and above the 7-Figure Mark!This is your gentle nudge to join The Dames!

I joined The Dames seeking a vibrant and ambitious community for friendship and learning. What I've found has far exceeded my expectations. The connections here are genuine, warm, and intellectually stimulating—truly a standout feature. As a solopreneur, feeling supported is crucial, and The Dames makes sure I'm never alone. The accessibility and interactivity of the Facebook group are game-changers, offering immediate support and insights. To anyone considering joining, expect to be blown away; it's an experience like no other.

So glad I attended the Think Tank. That was the best 60 min spent. Relatable. Practical. Productive. Not at all what my mind had made it out to be. Thanks for pulling me in…

Being part of The Dames has been truly transformative. I've found camaraderie and support among women of similar caliber in business. The atmosphere is light, fun, and impactful, offering a refreshing break from the responsibilities of leading a 7-figure business. The Dames have helped me connect with my desires and learn the value of support, even as someone who values privacy and independence. Grateful for the opportunity to grow alongside such inspiring women.

As a member of The Dames, I was seeking a supportive network of ambitious women dedicated to mutual growth and empowerment. What I've found is invaluable: genuine connections and lucrative referral opportunities that have significantly benefited both my business and clients. In less than three months, I've secured over $20,000 in new client opportunities, thanks to the introductions facilitated by The Dames. I've confidently recommended this exceptional community to others, emphasizing its unparalleled value in my 20+ years of networking experience

I joined The Dames seeking a community where financial success and genuine connections coexist, away from the competitive and pretentious vibes of other groups. The Dames stood out for its authenticity. Here, achievements are shared humbly, and we're valued for who we are, not our wealth. As Maxime Lagacé said, 'There is no need to show off when you know who you are,' a principle that The Dames embodies.

My most transformative experience was sharing on a panel about financial strategies, in an environment free from judgment, where women's successes are celebrated openly. The Dames is a haven where you can be yourself, share your journey, and find genuine support.

To anyone considering joining, The Dames is about authentic connections and celebrating every woman's success. It’s a community where your story and achievements enrich us all, without judgment. Joining The Dames means finding a tribe where your success is everyone's joy.


The Dames: Radically Collaborative Connections