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Become a Global Sponsor of The Dames®

Do you share our commitment to demystifying the million dollar mark for women-led businesses and organizations? With your support, we can secure top speakers and deliver new thinking to our network - providing them an unrivaled opportunity to make their impact and reach new heights.

Explore our Current Sponsorship Packages

Why Become a Sponsor of The Dames®?

  • Gain exposure for your company to a new audience of high caliber women running or leading 6 - 8 figure businesses
  • Get your business and offers in front of The Dames online global audience of more than 10,000 people
  • Get repeat visibility on your offerings through multiple channels and points of exposure
  • Enjoy both short-term and long-term exposure when investing in multi-month Sponsorships, which increases opportunity for ROI
  • Showcase that you are an organization that supports women owned businesses and female entrepreneurs and leaders nationwide and internationally

In Addition, You Will Receive

Your logo, description, & offer shared on event and web pages
Brand exposure via email & social to connect with members & non-members
Exclusive speaker spotlight to share your message at events
Strategic connections session with Dames Founder for multi-month sponsorships
See the Sponsorship Opportunities Available Now
If you want to make a personal connection with a targeted group of top-earning female business leaders and owners, talk to our team about becoming a sponsor!

The Benefits - In Their Words

“I received an initial 5x return on investment when I became a Sponsor for The Dames, and I continue to see a return months later from the repeat exposure. It was a win-win getting to support such an incredible community of business women while getting increased exposure for the Lean Out Method to high-achieving action-takers who I love to work with, collaborate with, and support.”

- Crista Grasso, Lean Out Method

"Sponsoring the Dames provided an opportunity to not only invest in and support the work of a great organization that promotes women in business, facilitates building of networks and deeper connection, but it also provided me the opportunity to get my message in front of an audience of perspective customers. I felt appreciated as a sponsor and it felt good to support this organization!"

- Amber Swenor, Soul Seed

"I had the honor to sponsor the first live extravaganza since the pandemic shut us down and it was FABULOUS! I felt heard, honored, and listened to, and the reception I received warmed my heart."

- Misha Schryer, Headway Financial Solutions

"From my event sponsorship investment, I was able to receive a 330% ROI within a few weeks! I wholeheartedly recommend being a sponsor of The Dames!"

- Susan Frew, Sunshine Plumbing, Heating & Air

I Want These Benefits!

Is Becoming a Sponsor of The Dames® the Right Fit For You?

Who Sponsorship Is BEST For

  • Companies with a unique brand and a differentiated value proposition or offerings
  • B2B service-based and product-based business
  • High-end B2C products for professional women
  • Those who understand results come from a holistic marketing plan that includes sponsorship

Who Sponsorship Is NOT For

  • Someone expecting instantaneous results
  • Investing in sponsorship out of desperation
  • Companies with no marketing budget 
  • Those without a marketing strategy that sponsorship is a part of

Gain Valuable Exposure For Your Company While Supporting International Women-Owned Businesses

I'm In! Tell Me More

Past Sponsors Include

Want to learn more about becoming a Global Sponsor of The Dames®?

Explore Our Current Sponsorship Packages

The Dames: Radically Collaborative Connections